Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Half Way!

WOW!! Where has the time gone. We cannot believe we will have a new baby in 20 short weeks.

We had our monthly appointment this morning along with an anatomy scan. Right Now Baby C is 20 weeks, has a heart rate of 140 and is weighing in at 10oz. Going to be another healthy baby just like his/her big brother ;) Our little monkey was very active during the ultrasound his/her little butt was down at the time but moving all around none the less, for the most part everything looked VERY GOOD today, our Perinatologist thought Baby C's stomach looked a little generous. His explanation of why this can happen was not very clear to us but told us the cause can be Plyoric Stenosis. He said in the future it can cause eating problems for our little monkey, but not to worry this is something that can be fixed very easily with minor surgery right after birth. We scheduled another ultrasound with him for 10 weeks which will be October 15Th to take another look at Baby C's stomach. WHAT?!?! I know thank you for the clear explanation Dr.

So we went on to meet with our midwife, Lisa. Lisa shed much more light on the subject for us. First of all here is the dictionary definition, Plyoric stenosis is the narrowing of the part of the stomach that leads into the small intestine. The narrowing occurs because the muscle around the stomach has grown too large. Most babies with this begin to vomit within the 2nd to 3rd week of life. Babies begin with "spitting up" that leads into forceful vomiting, the vomiting occurs after eating. Lisa drew us a nice little diagram showing what Plyoric stenosis is and explained that the opening into the intestines is too small to pass the digested food through therefore it has to have somewhere to go so it comes back up. She also reminded us that we are only half way, this baby still has plenty of growing to do and that we should not be worried as this is not very a common thing. Next we talked about the headaches I have been having which I thought I was rid of but was I ever wrong. They went away for about a week and have now returned. She said the cause is a combination of hormones and caffeine. I have cut down on the amount I drink which is where the headaches come in the downside is they can last for awhile. She suggested I try to drink the same amount each day 1-2 cans and that may help. At the end of the appointment they measured my uterus and listened to Baby again, measurements were right at 20 weeks and again heart rate was 140. I have my next appointment in 4 weeks on Sept 3rd at this appt I get to drink the good juice and get tested for gestational diabetes.

SOOOO after ALL of that I will leave you with a few pics of our little monkeys!!