Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Friday, September 3, 2010

24 Weeks!

September already?!?! I have to say that fall is probably my favorite season...well at least this year it is. This mama is definitely ready for it to be cooler outside ;)

We had our monthly appointment today and everything went really good. I was supposed to have a blood glucose test done but they decided to wait until next appointment. I am at 23 weeks and 6 days today and the test is normally done between 24-28 weeks. So they decided it was a little premature to have it day really? Hey I don't make the rules I just TRY to follow them! Anyway on to Baby C he/she is doing VERY well!! Heart rate is in the 150's and let me tell you this little monkey is very active...hmmm cannot sit still, not sure where he/she would get that from ;)

Pretty unexciting appointment, I know, but we will take it. Our next appointment with our Midwife will be October 1st and exactly two weeks after that we will have our 30 week ultrasound. At this ultrasound they will be checking Baby C's tummy to determine if it is on the generous side or not. If our perinatologist determines that it is we will talk about what our options will be after delivery, most likely surgery for the little one to repair the tube leading from the stomach to the intestine, but time will tell. Starting October 1st we will be seeing a doctor every 2 weeks until Thanksgiving when our 1 week appointments start...again SERIOUSLY this is going by too fast!

Hope everyone is doing well and we will talk to you very soon!