Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Life at 4 weeks old

So far life for our little Chase has been pretty good. The first two weeks of life were definitely better that the last two weeks but we will get things turned around. Here is a run down of what we have been up to. Our boys have been bonding and Coby has accepted his role of big brother 100% He is very concerned about his little brother and is right there ready to throw diapers away when he needs to be changed! Here is some very rare footage I captured of our boys...PERFECT ANGELS! Last Wednesday we decided it was time to make our big brother really look like a big boy and get his first haircut, Chase was there to see it but decided to sleep the whole time. Coby did an awesome job, didn't cry once and looks like such a little man now! As for Chase things could be going better. When he first came home from the hospital he was on the bili blanket for jaundice. This didn't last very long and he was able to be taken off of it after one day. We went back to the doctor when he was three weeks old for a checkup and at that time everyone in our house had a cold including the little guy. The doctor told us to watch it and if he didn't get better to come back, so less than a week later we were back at the doctor getting amoxicillin to clear up some congestion in his sinus'. The doctor told us at that appointment he could hear some wheezing or squeaking in his chest and if the antibiotics didn't clear him up in two days we should start nebulizer treatments. Soooooo here is our little man taking one of his treatments.
For right now our day consists of two doses of amoxicillin, one morning and one at night to clear up his sinus' and four nebulizer treatments throughout the day to clear up bronchitis. We are praying this goes away fast so we can all get back to enjoying our little man to the fullest!