Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

This Post Sponsored by Clorox and Pine Sol

I am sure you can all guess why this post would be sponsored by those two products! I should have bought stock in those two companies BEFORE I had children!! After spending three hours of cleaning every surface, nook and cranny in my house yesterday and washing every toy, piece of clothing, bedding and blankets we have all touched in the last week I think the sickness has finally left our house........for now.

Where to begin, well with the fun of course!

Last week Jason and I packed up the boyz, dropped them off at Grandma and Grandpa Costellos for 5 days and we headed to the Hills! For the first time in 4 years we went snowmobiling with our dearest friends Marcus and think the last time we did this Marcus proposed to Johanna on the trail. Ahhh what wonderful memories! We were super excited to get back out and ride and spend some much needed time with our friends. We had an absolute BLAST!! We put on 220 miles in two days and on Saturday four of us girlies decided to have a girls only Deadwood day, oh how I LOVE Deadwood ;) The boys stayed back at the cabin and went out for another day of riding, they put on just over 100 miles then came into town to meet up with us and proceed to have MORE fun that evening! It was tough to leave on Sunday but we were all excited to get home to our babies, even though most of us had sick babies to go home to and were sick ourselves. YUCK!

The sickness

I received a text from Grandma on Friday to give her a call when I could, bless her heart for wording it so well to make sure I didn't panic about the boyz. When we got to a place I could use the phone I called to see how things were going, poor Grandma.......... Good thing Mom packed the nebulizer but I did however neglect to teach her how to use it. Well she for sure knows now!! If you dont know already Coby has, like clock work, come down with croup cough twice a year since he was born. Wouldn't you know his first case this year had to be at Grandmas, they figured out the neb and got him under control with very few problems. Just when they think they are in the clear Chase decides to get the flu. We checked on them again that night Coby was running around playing and Chase seemed to be doing a little better. Saturday morning they had gotten little sleep that night as now BOTH boyz have the flu and Coby still with his croup cough. Saturday night Coby was the same and Chaser was on the mend. Of course on top of all of this they both were suffering from the good ol' common cold. Needless to say they had a very low key weekend and learned lots of new things about each other over the 5 days they were together! By the time we got home on Sunday both boyz still were coughing and now Jason was sick.....I felt a cough and sore throat coming on but thought I could power through it! Was I wrong and thank God I had Monday off to spend at home with my babies. We had our turn at a low key day and spent our time watching lots of Phineas and Ferb and just relaxing. Jason came home Monday night with a terrible cough and we were all ready for bed. After supper, baths, showers, cold medicine and a neb treatment we thought we were ready for bed until we noticed Coby had a bright red rash on his hands, feet and roof of his mouth....GREAT! We right away thought hand foot and mouth and came to the decision I would stay home in the morning with him and go to the doctor. We got up Tuesday, same rash so off to the doctor we went. Thankfully it was NOT HFM but he was really dehydrated and had an ear infection......this explains the not sleeping for all of us!

The cleaning

I stopped home on my lunch yesterday and during a break to strip all beds of their bedding and put all toys in the tub with hot water and bleach. After work I washed every wall, door, floor, counter top and anything else that would stay still long enough with Pine Sol and Clorox before going to pick up the boyz. We met Gramma and Pops for supper, they were all so happy to finally see other again! We headed home took baths and settled in for a good nights sleep in our clean, clean house! And a good night it was....everyone slept great and awoke in fabulous moods this morning!

So that is what we have been up to this past week, I know it has been a month since I have given an update and this is not the most exciting thing to hear about but hey its something :)

I would like to give a special shout out everyone that made our Hills trip absolutely amazing, Mom/Dad, ALL The Hunters and Rollags....we knew we had been missing out on lots of fun the past few years but know now how important it is to take the time to spend with your dearest friends. It is trips like these that remind you how special your friends and family are and living life without them is just not living. Last but not least Grandma and Grandpa Costello, without you two we would not have been able to enjoy ourselves as much as we did with our boyz back here sick we appreciate very much everything the two of you did and have done for us. Hopefully next time you all will get to get out of the house and have some fun!

Until next month ;)

Love you all

Jason Heidi Jacoby and Chase