I know you all have been sitting out there in suspense waiting for the day to come that I start this blog back up again, Well without further ado , here goes nothing!
No you are not seeing things I am really back at the blog....no promises how long it will last this time around but I will do my best.
With our summer break a short week away you would think that I would have all kinds of time to blog but guess what, I have a 6 and a 4 year old that will keep me hopping! I did download the blogger app on my phone, yes you are welcome for that, to help in my efforts of keeping everyone update on a more regular basis.
I will start this reblog with a small goal....I will shoot for the next 6-7 months of regular updates (nothing out there really nails down what regular means in this case) but when Baby Costello #3 comes this October I cannot make any promises.......with that said I will leave you with a few photos of our little munchkins.