Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

21 DAYS!!

That's right I said 21 days! Can you believe it....nope neither can we. Today at our appointment our doctor gave the option to set up an induction date to ensure that Baby C arrives before Christmas and we opted to set it up so we know that in no more than 21 days we will be a family of 4.

Our appointment went very well. The doctor said there is plenty of fluid around baby and the heart rate is holding steady in the 150's. She also measured Baby C today and said the measurements are right between 34-35 weeks. So we go from 2 weeks ahead to almost 2 weeks behind. Why? Well there is no reason to worry Baby C is a good size, not too big not too small. Coby has no reason worry that his little brother/sister will be beating him out in the weight category and that is just fine with me!!

I know its early yet but being as impatient as I am I had to have the doctor check for any progress and she determined I am 1 1/2cm dilated, my cervix has not thinned out and the baby's head had not dropped all the way but she didn't doubt that it would be dropped by the end of the day. So that's that, we are moving in the right direction. HOW EXCITING

We have been busy little bees around here lately and I think we are finally ready for Baby C to join us! So I will leave you with a few pictures of our progress! Our next appointment is Friday the 10Th, also our anniversary.......WOW 5 years! Time flies when your having FUN :)
We have our tree up and ALL of our Christmas shopping done!

Jason finished Coby's bed and he has been sleeping in it for a few weeks now! Such a big boy!

Baby C's crib is up and waiting to be occupied, after lots and lots of laundry we are good to go!

1 comment:

  1. So happy to hear about the update! exciting to know that Baby C will be here soon! Have you started any bets yet to whether Coby will have a brother or sister? LOL I am almost betting a little sister. :)


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