Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Summertime Stay at Home Mommy

Mommys Log, Day 1

Hello all I  know it has been awhile. We have been busy around here, getting to the end of the school year and getting geared up for summer!

Today is my first day at home with our boyz, on summer break. As I posted back in October, I accepted a position with the Sioux Falls School District as a Community Facilitator (Job Coach). Lucky for us this is a 9 month position which means I get to be home with our babies all summer long!! YAY

Well.........only half way into our first day I have been quickly reminded just how busy these two little monkeys are! They of course did not want to sleep in at all this morning and were up with Daddy when he went to work :( So we got up had breakfast, Mom cleaned up the kitchen and did a little work in my dungeon. Then its get dressed and off to playing. I need to just accept the fact right now that these two will tear my house apart and there is nothing I can do to keep it picked up until they go to bed at night! Only to do it again the next day. After about an hour of playing hide and seek they were ready to go outside! So out we went, Mom did some yard work and they boyz drove their cars around.

Here we are at noon, we have had lunch and they are both down for a nap ;) Chase is asleep and Cobeshow is watching his new favorite show, Max and Ruby. Let me tell you this kid is addicted! I am starting to think this could not be so bad but I have a feeling this will change in a few hours when they are awake and ready to roll again!

I will check in again soon ;)


Just to catch everyone up on what we have been up to. work work!! He has been working out of town, out by Chamberlain. We have been lucky enough not to have him gone all week like he was in the winter, so that is nice. We can handle a few days of being gone here and there. He always has lots for projects going on at one time and seems there is no resting period for him! He has been doing a lot of work in the yard, planting new grass and trees. His garage is an ongoing project, always cleaning and organizing moving toys around possibly making room for new ones (more on that later;) ). He built steps to go to the upstairs, which I am not sure if that was a good idea yet or not since with the easy access ALOT of things go up there to get out of sight out of mind. He has also started a basement project, adding a bedroom and bathroom then eventually revamping the laundry to make more storage for my projects! that school is done I am dedicated to my boyz and my garden! We have our garden in YAY! This year we planted pumpkins, cucumbers, jalapenos, green bells, 4 different kinds of tomatoes, 3 different kinds of lettuce, string beans, habaneros, cilantro, dill, 2 different kinds of carrots, radishes and potatoes. I have also planted many new flowers and bushes. Taking care of that has consumed alot of time and I could not love it more. Being home with our boyz and playing outside is awesome.

Jacoby......Coby is now three and I am convinced the threes are more terrible than the twos. He has started talking alot more and thanks to speech therapy he has come along way! We started speech back in August of last year, his speech therapist would come to daycare one day a week. From the first few sessions we noticed alot of improvement! He continued with this until his third birthday and from there we enrolled him in speech at Laura B Anderson, this would be where he goes to elementary. He qualifies for the preschool program but with where daycare is located and our schedules it does not work out at this time to enroll in that yet. He will continue with speech this summer at Terry Redlin Elem. from May to the end of July and then start back up at LBA in the fall going one to two days a week again. He is such a soft-hearted little boy and we could not imagine life without him. 

Chase........the big one!  This little boy really keeps us on our toes! Being the total opposite from his brother, whom is so self entertained, Chase is always seeking attention. He is learning alot from his brother and they play together well. most of the time. He always wants to be doing what Coby is and if Coby doesn't want him to then the bully comes out in Chase and someone usually ends up crying and its not Chase. We wouldn't give this monkey for nothin!

We of course have alot of camping trips with our friends and family planned this summer and have already been on two of them. We plan to go again this weekend out to Jasons Aunt/Uncles place. It is 15 minutes from the house and we always enjoy being out here! It is so much fun to see how much our family and friends families have grown in the past few years, watching all of our children grow up together is amazing and we can only hope that one day they will all have the same bond that Jason and I do with our 'Crew'. They are an amazing bunch :)

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