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Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Passing blame

I blame is the devil! All social media is. It has caused us to lose focus on most things in life in some way shape or form.......

Yes I could sit here all day and come up with excuses but honestly its just easier to do what is easiest! The things that take the least amount of time, the least amount of effort on our part. What is easier than blogging...posting to FACEBOOK of course!

As much as I really do enjoy blogging, even if it does not get read, it is a nice release and that is something that I do believe everyone needs. With all of the eyes on Facebook and opinions that can come out of one venting session I wonder if people ever really do feel content at any time in their life/day. Not that blogging is the way to do this but maybe people are hiding from other things they would have done to achieve this had Facebook not come along.

 I thank my husband for this, as he has to listen to me daily talk about everything I can talk about. Even though he may not actually hear what I am saying I feel that having that communication between two people is a must to live. I mean if you cannot or do not talk with your partner (or Mom) about everything under the sun, what is the point right?!? Communication is key

I do enjoy getting a daily dose of is definitely good for a laugh at least once a day! It is a way to keep up with those that you do not talk to much anymore but want to at least feel that you do have some kind of connection........(see what they do for a living, who they married, what they look like  now, where they live, what they know all of those really important things)

So thank you Facebook for making it easier to lose focus, easier to not blog, easier to not send cards/letters, easier to not scrapbook my children growing up, easier to not pick up the phone and check on old friends, easier to not..... wait what was I talking about, sorry I was on Facebook!!

This may be silly but I had to laugh at myself for actually thinking I could start blogging again!

How about this, I will promise...wait no promises.....It will happen if it happens. I know where to find it and it knows where to find me. I could surprise the heck out of you and be back 3 times a week but most likely I will be back every three years.......don't hold your breath waiting for my return!

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