Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Our Boys!

Sorry it has taken so long to get some updated pictures on here! We have been awfully busy, with our new little man and the holidays there has been much free time. We made it through our first Christmas as a family of four and are looking forward to the new year. Everyone is doing very well and growing fast! Cannot believe Chase will be two weeks this Friday. Here are a couple of pictures from the hospital of two of our favorite little men!

Coby taking advantage of the whirpool tub in our bathroom!

Coby trying to console his little brother, it may not have been love at first sight for either of them but let me tell you, it sure didnt take long!

Little Chase, as you can see he is "glowing" He was a little jaundice and had to be on the billiblanket for 24 hours.

Here is our little man right after he was born! Such a sweetheart :)

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and we wish you ALL a Happy New Year!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Yes I said HE :)

Chase William joined the world at 5:28pm December 17, 2010. He is 7lbs 7oz and 20 inches long. He has beautiful dark brown hair just like his Daddy! I will get a more detailed post up once we get home and settled but for now you can check him out at by clicking on the "Hey Baby" photos.

Thank You all for your thoughts and prayers. He is perfect, we are two very lucky parents to have such wonderful gifts from above! Our boys are such a blessing!


Jason Heidi Coby and Chase

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Can we say STUBBORN?!?!

Not sure where this baby would get that from...HA :) We had yet another appointment today and we are closer than last time. Heart rate was in the 140's and Baby C is still facing to the side, we REALLY need him/her to flip over! I am still dilated at 4cm but this time the head is further down, I am thinned out and my bag of waters is 'bulging' as the doctor put it.

I went in on Monday after having contractions for awhile Sunday night, I was afraid I had some fluid leaking but she reassured us that everything is ok and this baby is just taking its sweet time coming out to meet us. Again this morning I woke up to contractions, about 10 minutes apart but they were much stronger than on Sunday so of course I thought YAY this is it only to have them come to a hault about 10am . We went and walked around a few stores to try and get them going before my appointment but did not have any luck.

So we left the doctors office with the orders that if I have ANY kind of contractions to come in right away tonight and she will break my water for me at that time. We could not do that at our appointment today since technically I am still at 38 weeks but she is willing to fudge a little bit for us. So I am off to scrub the floors in hopes of having even one single contraction so we can get this show on the road! Keep your fingers crossed and we will talk to you soon!

Much Love

Jason Heidi Coby and Baby C

Friday, December 10, 2010

So Very Close!

We had our 38 week appointment today. It was one of the best by far for a few reasons. One, both Jason and Coby came with me and Two.......we found out Baby C is so very close to meeting us!! This week Baby's heart rate is once again in the 150's and he/she is measuring at 35 weeks. I have dilated a little further I am ALMOST at a 4 WAAAAHOOOO :) Baby has not dropped all the way yet but he/she is facing my left side and needs to be facing my back. Our doctor said once he/she turns over he/she should drop and we will be on our way! She also worked a little magic on her end to try and help us out.

Today Jason and I had both taken the day off, not only for this appointment but to also celebrate 5 wonderful years of wedded bliss...5 YEARS...cannot believe it has already been that long. So we took advantage of our free time and spent it trying to coax this little one into the world. We ate spicy food for lunch, spent a few hours walking around the mall and the grocery store. Our evening was filled up by grilling steaks and shrimp, watching a movie and me rocking on the exercise ball to get this baby to flip over!

So far no luck but we will be sure to keep everyone posted in one way or another. We did set an appointment for next Friday with our doctor but she said we will not make it that long. This weekend the doctor on call is the same one that delivered Coby so we are very comfortable with that and now know this little one came come out and meet us at anytime!!

We hope to have more to report very soon!