Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Our Boys!

Sorry it has taken so long to get some updated pictures on here! We have been awfully busy, with our new little man and the holidays there has been much free time. We made it through our first Christmas as a family of four and are looking forward to the new year. Everyone is doing very well and growing fast! Cannot believe Chase will be two weeks this Friday. Here are a couple of pictures from the hospital of two of our favorite little men!

Coby taking advantage of the whirpool tub in our bathroom!

Coby trying to console his little brother, it may not have been love at first sight for either of them but let me tell you, it sure didnt take long!

Little Chase, as you can see he is "glowing" He was a little jaundice and had to be on the billiblanket for 24 hours.

Here is our little man right after he was born! Such a sweetheart :)

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and we wish you ALL a Happy New Year!!

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