Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Can we say STUBBORN?!?!

Not sure where this baby would get that from...HA :) We had yet another appointment today and we are closer than last time. Heart rate was in the 140's and Baby C is still facing to the side, we REALLY need him/her to flip over! I am still dilated at 4cm but this time the head is further down, I am thinned out and my bag of waters is 'bulging' as the doctor put it.

I went in on Monday after having contractions for awhile Sunday night, I was afraid I had some fluid leaking but she reassured us that everything is ok and this baby is just taking its sweet time coming out to meet us. Again this morning I woke up to contractions, about 10 minutes apart but they were much stronger than on Sunday so of course I thought YAY this is it only to have them come to a hault about 10am . We went and walked around a few stores to try and get them going before my appointment but did not have any luck.

So we left the doctors office with the orders that if I have ANY kind of contractions to come in right away tonight and she will break my water for me at that time. We could not do that at our appointment today since technically I am still at 38 weeks but she is willing to fudge a little bit for us. So I am off to scrub the floors in hopes of having even one single contraction so we can get this show on the road! Keep your fingers crossed and we will talk to you soon!

Much Love

Jason Heidi Coby and Baby C

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