Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Our Little Monkey is ONE!

Our lil' well now big Cheeze (as Coby calls him) is One Year old :)

OOOHHHHHH! One of his favorite things to say, his Dad walks around all the time mimicking was cute at first but now its starting to get a little old!

Friday, December 9, 2011

IT'S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! 6 years ago tomorrow marks the day I wed my friend , my rock. One week from tomorrow our beautiful baby boy Chaser turns one, two weeks from tomorrow is the birth of our Lord Jesus, three weeks from tomorrow is New Years Eve a time to reflect on the blessings we have had in the past year and to look forward to new ones in the year to come...four weeks from today the BIG 3 much to be thankful for!! Except the 3 0 part :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Two posts in one week.....who took over my blog?!?!?

Well we knew it had to happen sooner or later, one of the boyz has ended up with an ear infection! We have been lucky enough for two and a half years to not have to deal with this but I guess it could be worse........

Sunday night Chase started spiking a fever, I of course chalk it up to teeth, then he threw up and went to sleep. Monday no fever but would not eat anything, not for Sue (daycare provider) or myself which if anyone knows these boyz....THEY CAN EAT! Monday night before bed he was a little feverish so we got the Tylenol out and he went right to sleep but not for long we were up again at 1:30am with 101.9 temp but it was only for an hour then right back to sleep so off to daycare we went today. Sue called me at 12:45pm and he was up to 103.4 so I called the Ped. and made an appt. We arrive at the doctor and this kid is all smiles flirtin with the nurse and receptionists, they could not believe he was even sick. The nurse took his temp and even after a does of Motrin he was still at 103.4 so she waited a few minutes and took it again.....YEP still 103.4. The doctor came is and told us he has an infection in his right ear and the left ear didnt look good either, he also has a viral infection and cannot be at daycare until his fever has been gone for 24 hours. GREAT! So for tomorrow its off to Grandma and Grandpa Costellos for the day.

Now you tell me if you think this is a boy that is sick................


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hopeless Blogger...........


If there is anyone that is even following this blog anymore here is new post just for you!

Ok so I could give a laundry list of reasons as to why it has been soooooo long since I have updated this but I will only give you a few; I got a new job, Jason has been out of town for work and being a single parent is awfully time consuming.

So where to start, lets start with this, a pic of lil man Chase

Guess who got their first hair cut?!?!?

He did AWESOME and he is so handsome. His brother on the other hand did not want to get his hair cut that day but he made it through.

Here is Chaser after his hair cut, doesnt this just melt your heart :)

Next the new job. If you dont know already I left Quality Lenders after 5 wonderful years and took a position with the Sioux Falls School District as a job coach. I am three weeks in and I LOVE IT! It was hard for me to put Chaser in daycare, with Coby already been going there for 6 months this made it much easier for me but I cannot wait until summertime when all 3 of us get to sleep in again together!

First day of the new job,

Coby was reluctant to get in the picture with us but we snapped one of him anyway

Here is something I have not see for a long time but I get to see everyday when taking our boyz to daycare


So that folks in a nut shell is a couple of things that have been going on with us lately. I will attempt to get pictures up of the boyz in their Halloween costumes in the next few days but lets be honest here give me till at least Thanksgiving to get them on here.

Until next time, take care!

Friday, September 23, 2011

A-Z of Me

Apparently this is going around "blogger-world" and I thought I'd participate. Hey, who wouldn't want to know a little more about someone else?

A. Age: 29. Until January, then look out!

B. Bed Size: Queen. Wish I was there now

C. Chores I Hate: I LOVE LOVE LOVE to clean and have my house clean but with three boyz its not easy , if I had to pick one thing I am not a fan of it would be bathrooms! Toilets are nasty, YUCK

D. Dogs: Lassi Liz. 3 year old collie

E. Essential Start to your Day: watching Coby on the monitor and seeing Chase peek over his crib, my babies are my world.

F. Favorite Color: Red

G. Gold or Silver: Silver

H. Height: 5'6"

I. Instruments you Play: I played the trumpet in middle school, now I am a one man band. I can play ANYTHING these boyz want me to :)

J. Job Title: Mama (my favorite) and Administrative Assistant

K. Kids: OF COURSE! Coby 2.5 years old and Chaser 9 months, these two boyz can make me melt at any point in time they want to. No matter how much trouble they are in, they complete us!

L. Live: Sioux Falls, SD in our cozy little story and a half in the north 40

M. Mother's Name: Connie, hands down the biggest influence in my life. I LOVE my Mom

N. Nickname: Heida, Heid, Heido, Heider, Heids

O. Overnight Hospital Stays: NONE, until I met Jason. Wrist urgery, ankle surgery and labor...Twice

P. Pet Peeves: Fake people and I have a touch of OCD so lots of things bother me

Q. Quote from a Movie: "What IS UP EVERYBOOODDYY"

R. Right or Left Handed: Right

S. Siblings: Big Brother David and Little Sister Tyann....wouldnt trade either of them for all the money in the world!

T. Tasty Food: Yeah, I love food :)

U. Underware: Yep

V. Vegetable you Hate: Love ALL of them

W. What Makes you Run Late: I'm always late....for EVERYTHING

X. X-rays You've Had: Wrist, Ankle, Dental...I am sure there are more

Y. Yummy Food you Make: EVERYTHING, I love to cook. Thanks Mom and Grandpa :)

Z. Zoo Animal: I love the zoo! Monkeys are the best :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What is on the menu?!?!?!?

Chaser has started eating 'real' food in the last few weeks. We started out by making our own baby food and we have had a lot of success with it. This kid will literally eat anything you put in front of him! You could not tell by looking at him, weighing in under 17 pounds at 8 months old but this kid can eat ;)

Here is a preview of one of his new favorite meals!

Avocado and Tofu

You are probably wondering, "Does he really like it?"

Why YES he DOES!!

Coby and I however, will stick to chips queso and salsa ;)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Coby and Chase go to Lake Herman

Well I must start out by saying camping at Lake Herman is just not the same if we dont have a major storm come through while we are there.

Jason and I (before and after we got together) have been camping there many years and it never fails a storm ALWAYS comes through the campground over the 4th of July.

This first picture is of three campsites in the loop next to ours that had flooded out due to the rain we got on Friday night. We had wind, hail, strong winds...the whole works! The craziest part was how dark it got, it was 3pm but was as black as 3am. To make things worse Jason and I are making the move to a new camper and had taken it for a test run that weekend so we were worried what we would come back to after the storm passed. The Coachmen did well and there was no damage. Looking at this picture you might think we were under water but NOPE our camper was in great shape. There were ALOT of leaves and branches strewn all over the place, a few families we were with had some damage to their campers but it was nothing a run to the hardware store in town could not fix. Thank God for that!!

Here is picture of our 'big' little man, he LOVES his watermelon! We can thank Auntie Em for introducing that to him in the past few summers!!

And here is our 'little' man! HOW CUTE IS HE?!?!? Sporting his patriotic tat from Uncle Jeff and Auntie Em :)

I must admit, even though this is only Chases second camping trip, these two boyz LOVE to go camping! What did I expect with a Daddy and an Uncle like they have?!?!

We are truly blessed to have such amazing little men in our lives that enjoy doing the things we love to do. This camping trip was one of our best yet! We had family and LOTS of great friends to share it with. Our whole 'Crew' plus our babies were there, cannot wait for Baby C and Baby H to share it with us next summer.

Congrats Marcus and Johanna and Jeff and Emily on your upcoming miracles this year!! If I have not posted that already!

Our 'family' of friends is very much growing and Jason and I love every minute of it, they are amazing little creatures and we could not be happier!!

Until next time, HAPPY CAMPING!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer is finally here

Finally we get to have a fire outside, no longer are we confined to the garage stove!

The boys sitting around the fire pit at Grandma and Grandpa Costellos on Memorial Day Weekend.

Coby out in our yard while Mom cleans out the camper and Chase naps, he obviously could not wait until the pool was filled before jumping in.

Someone is awake, he must be hungry!

Coby in our yard palying with his water table from Uncle Jeff and Aunt Donna.

We are off on our first camping trip this weekend. We are going to Lake Andes, hopefully the water stays back long enough for us to enjoy our weekend!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Here is our little Chaser on his back......................

And here he is on his belly...YAY!!

We have another GOOD eater on our hands....this little boy can inhale a bowl of cereal in a matter of minutes! His favorite so far is Lucky Charms ;)

I will leave you with a pic of our little stud Cobeshow!! Big stuff in his Lightning McQueen shades. We have been having a heck of a time getting him away from the movie Cars, we are very excited to take him to Cars 2 this summer!

And that in a nutshell is an update of our boyz.

We had Chases 4 month appointment a few weeks ago and he weighed in at

12lbs 14oz and was 24 1/4 inches long

At 4 months Cobeshow weighed in at

14lbs 7oz and was 25 3/4 inches long

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Coby is 2

Our little boy is growing up so fast! Coby is 2 today, I know we cannot believe it either.

Last night we had a party at the Ramada with family and friends. We went swimming at the waterpark, ate spaghetti and cupcakes and had LOTS of fun. Coby had so much fun he fell asleep the minute we walked in the door at home. After his nap he got to open his present from Daddy, Mommy and Chase. He is loving it so much we had to share it with everyone.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

3 months old and growing like a weed!


Has it really been 3 months already! We have been so busy lately I feel terrible that is has been so long since we have updated everyone on our little men.

Well in the last few months we have been through a lot. With Jason working out of town the boys and I have been staying with Grandma Connie and Pops. We have must been having so much fun over there this blog just slipped my mind. In the last three we have ALL been living with Grandma and Pops, we had a pipe freeze and burst in house so it has been unlivable. We have newly remodeled bathrooms and had to also remodel part of the kitchen. We lost some things in the basement due to the water but hey it is a great way to clean things out!!

We are finally moved back in and and we hope to update much more now that our lives are back to 'normal' :)

Here are some updated pics of the boys ;)

The little monkeys after a bath

A friend of mine took some pictures of the boys for us, I will have to post more of those at another time

Here is Chase working with Mom playing with his elephant, such a happy boy

Chaser in his car seat, we are always on the go!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Life at 4 weeks old

So far life for our little Chase has been pretty good. The first two weeks of life were definitely better that the last two weeks but we will get things turned around. Here is a run down of what we have been up to. Our boys have been bonding and Coby has accepted his role of big brother 100% He is very concerned about his little brother and is right there ready to throw diapers away when he needs to be changed! Here is some very rare footage I captured of our boys...PERFECT ANGELS! Last Wednesday we decided it was time to make our big brother really look like a big boy and get his first haircut, Chase was there to see it but decided to sleep the whole time. Coby did an awesome job, didn't cry once and looks like such a little man now! As for Chase things could be going better. When he first came home from the hospital he was on the bili blanket for jaundice. This didn't last very long and he was able to be taken off of it after one day. We went back to the doctor when he was three weeks old for a checkup and at that time everyone in our house had a cold including the little guy. The doctor told us to watch it and if he didn't get better to come back, so less than a week later we were back at the doctor getting amoxicillin to clear up some congestion in his sinus'. The doctor told us at that appointment he could hear some wheezing or squeaking in his chest and if the antibiotics didn't clear him up in two days we should start nebulizer treatments. Soooooo here is our little man taking one of his treatments.
For right now our day consists of two doses of amoxicillin, one morning and one at night to clear up his sinus' and four nebulizer treatments throughout the day to clear up bronchitis. We are praying this goes away fast so we can all get back to enjoying our little man to the fullest!