Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Two posts in one week.....who took over my blog?!?!?

Well we knew it had to happen sooner or later, one of the boyz has ended up with an ear infection! We have been lucky enough for two and a half years to not have to deal with this but I guess it could be worse........

Sunday night Chase started spiking a fever, I of course chalk it up to teeth, then he threw up and went to sleep. Monday no fever but would not eat anything, not for Sue (daycare provider) or myself which if anyone knows these boyz....THEY CAN EAT! Monday night before bed he was a little feverish so we got the Tylenol out and he went right to sleep but not for long we were up again at 1:30am with 101.9 temp but it was only for an hour then right back to sleep so off to daycare we went today. Sue called me at 12:45pm and he was up to 103.4 so I called the Ped. and made an appt. We arrive at the doctor and this kid is all smiles flirtin with the nurse and receptionists, they could not believe he was even sick. The nurse took his temp and even after a does of Motrin he was still at 103.4 so she waited a few minutes and took it again.....YEP still 103.4. The doctor came is and told us he has an infection in his right ear and the left ear didnt look good either, he also has a viral infection and cannot be at daycare until his fever has been gone for 24 hours. GREAT! So for tomorrow its off to Grandma and Grandpa Costellos for the day.

Now you tell me if you think this is a boy that is sick................


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