Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Friday, October 29, 2010

32 Weeks

We had our 32 week appointment today. Everything is going FABULOUS! We don't have too much to report since last time. Baby C's heartrate was at 150 today, once they found it that is....someone wouldn't sit still long enough for us to hear it very well but just long enough for them to get a quick reading. Since this little monkey is so active no one has any doubts that he/she is very healthy! Baby C is still measuring 2 weeks ahead, they say this is pretty normal and we stll have time for him/her to even things out. I keep leaning towards an early delivery but I wont hold my breath ;)

I have been feeling great, headaches are pretty much gone and I am not too tired yet. I have had swelling in my left foot and we found out today the reason is Baby C is laying with his/her back and head on left side with legs and arms on the right. With all the added pressure it is no wonder my foot is twice the size of the other one at the end of each day! If this is my only complaint from here on out I will take it!! We have our next aappointment on November 12....till then Happy Halloween and take care!

Much Love

Friday, October 15, 2010

A +

This is the grade we received today at our doctors appointment! ~YAY~ We had our last ultrasound this morning with Dr. Heddelston, our Perinatologist. He told us Baby C's stomach looks great and that we can look forward to a pretty 'boring' pregnancy from here on out. We took this as as GREAT news. We no longer have to worry about possible surgery after Baby C is born...WHEW...

On to the fun stuff. Baby C weighed in at a whoppin 3 pounds 5 ounces and is about 15 inches long. Still a little bit further along thatn 30 weeks but again this does not mean he/she will come early as we wtill have time for things to even out. Heartrate today was at 142....hmmm I seem to remember something very similar with Coby. His heartrate was constantly in the 150's until my 3rd tri-mester when it dropped to the 140's. I know only time will tell ;) We go back to see our doctor in 2 weeks!

Here are a few pictures of our little monkeys! The pics of Baby C are kind of dark, of course he/she did not want to cooperate for us today. I promise to get after him/her once he/she arrives!

Profile picture...the bubble at the top is his/her hand...almost the exact same pic as last time

Of course Baby C has to have his/her arm right in front so we cannot see his/her face

At the apple Orchard, Oct 2nd

Friday, October 1, 2010

Short and Sweet

It seems like it has been awhile since I have been on here but can you believe it 28 weeks already! We had our 28 week appointment this morning unfortuantley there is not much to report. Baby C is doing very well, heartrate is keeping steady in the 150's and he/she is growing like a weed. My doctor said I am measuring at 30 weeks right now, since I am only at 28 weeks this can mean a few things. This baby is either going to be VERY 'healthy' and could beat his/her big brothers birthweight or we may get to meet Baby C sooner than we expected!! I am not going to start taking bets yet as to when he/she will be here but I will definitley look forward to sooner than later ;)

I did a glucose test today, got to drink some yummy orange drink and have my blood drawn but it will be a wek or so before we know the results. This test is done to check for gestational diabetes.

Sorry this post is not more exciting but you will be hearing from us again in 2 short weeks! YAY, I know you are all on the edge of your seat right?!?!

In two weeks we meet with our Perinatologist to have an ultrasound done to check Baby C's stomach. We will find out if his/her stomach still looks 'generous' or not and at that time we will discuss possible surgery after Baby is born. From here on out you will be seeing updates every 2 weeks of course until we closer to the end then it be weekly. That is all i have for now, take care and we will update again soon!!

Much Love