Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Friday, October 15, 2010

A +

This is the grade we received today at our doctors appointment! ~YAY~ We had our last ultrasound this morning with Dr. Heddelston, our Perinatologist. He told us Baby C's stomach looks great and that we can look forward to a pretty 'boring' pregnancy from here on out. We took this as as GREAT news. We no longer have to worry about possible surgery after Baby C is born...WHEW...

On to the fun stuff. Baby C weighed in at a whoppin 3 pounds 5 ounces and is about 15 inches long. Still a little bit further along thatn 30 weeks but again this does not mean he/she will come early as we wtill have time for things to even out. Heartrate today was at 142....hmmm I seem to remember something very similar with Coby. His heartrate was constantly in the 150's until my 3rd tri-mester when it dropped to the 140's. I know only time will tell ;) We go back to see our doctor in 2 weeks!

Here are a few pictures of our little monkeys! The pics of Baby C are kind of dark, of course he/she did not want to cooperate for us today. I promise to get after him/her once he/she arrives!

Profile picture...the bubble at the top is his/her hand...almost the exact same pic as last time

Of course Baby C has to have his/her arm right in front so we cannot see his/her face

At the apple Orchard, Oct 2nd


  1. I think the second pic looks just like coby!! I can't wait!!!
    Auntie Ty

  2. Coby is so cute!! Can't believe the little munchkin is so big! :)


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