Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Friday, October 29, 2010

32 Weeks

We had our 32 week appointment today. Everything is going FABULOUS! We don't have too much to report since last time. Baby C's heartrate was at 150 today, once they found it that is....someone wouldn't sit still long enough for us to hear it very well but just long enough for them to get a quick reading. Since this little monkey is so active no one has any doubts that he/she is very healthy! Baby C is still measuring 2 weeks ahead, they say this is pretty normal and we stll have time for him/her to even things out. I keep leaning towards an early delivery but I wont hold my breath ;)

I have been feeling great, headaches are pretty much gone and I am not too tired yet. I have had swelling in my left foot and we found out today the reason is Baby C is laying with his/her back and head on left side with legs and arms on the right. With all the added pressure it is no wonder my foot is twice the size of the other one at the end of each day! If this is my only complaint from here on out I will take it!! We have our next aappointment on November 12....till then Happy Halloween and take care!

Much Love

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