Boys Boys Boys

Boys Boys Boys
Costello Party of 5!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Our Boys!

Sorry it has taken so long to get some updated pictures on here! We have been awfully busy, with our new little man and the holidays there has been much free time. We made it through our first Christmas as a family of four and are looking forward to the new year. Everyone is doing very well and growing fast! Cannot believe Chase will be two weeks this Friday. Here are a couple of pictures from the hospital of two of our favorite little men!

Coby taking advantage of the whirpool tub in our bathroom!

Coby trying to console his little brother, it may not have been love at first sight for either of them but let me tell you, it sure didnt take long!

Little Chase, as you can see he is "glowing" He was a little jaundice and had to be on the billiblanket for 24 hours.

Here is our little man right after he was born! Such a sweetheart :)

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and we wish you ALL a Happy New Year!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Yes I said HE :)

Chase William joined the world at 5:28pm December 17, 2010. He is 7lbs 7oz and 20 inches long. He has beautiful dark brown hair just like his Daddy! I will get a more detailed post up once we get home and settled but for now you can check him out at by clicking on the "Hey Baby" photos.

Thank You all for your thoughts and prayers. He is perfect, we are two very lucky parents to have such wonderful gifts from above! Our boys are such a blessing!


Jason Heidi Coby and Chase

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Can we say STUBBORN?!?!

Not sure where this baby would get that from...HA :) We had yet another appointment today and we are closer than last time. Heart rate was in the 140's and Baby C is still facing to the side, we REALLY need him/her to flip over! I am still dilated at 4cm but this time the head is further down, I am thinned out and my bag of waters is 'bulging' as the doctor put it.

I went in on Monday after having contractions for awhile Sunday night, I was afraid I had some fluid leaking but she reassured us that everything is ok and this baby is just taking its sweet time coming out to meet us. Again this morning I woke up to contractions, about 10 minutes apart but they were much stronger than on Sunday so of course I thought YAY this is it only to have them come to a hault about 10am . We went and walked around a few stores to try and get them going before my appointment but did not have any luck.

So we left the doctors office with the orders that if I have ANY kind of contractions to come in right away tonight and she will break my water for me at that time. We could not do that at our appointment today since technically I am still at 38 weeks but she is willing to fudge a little bit for us. So I am off to scrub the floors in hopes of having even one single contraction so we can get this show on the road! Keep your fingers crossed and we will talk to you soon!

Much Love

Jason Heidi Coby and Baby C

Friday, December 10, 2010

So Very Close!

We had our 38 week appointment today. It was one of the best by far for a few reasons. One, both Jason and Coby came with me and Two.......we found out Baby C is so very close to meeting us!! This week Baby's heart rate is once again in the 150's and he/she is measuring at 35 weeks. I have dilated a little further I am ALMOST at a 4 WAAAAHOOOO :) Baby has not dropped all the way yet but he/she is facing my left side and needs to be facing my back. Our doctor said once he/she turns over he/she should drop and we will be on our way! She also worked a little magic on her end to try and help us out.

Today Jason and I had both taken the day off, not only for this appointment but to also celebrate 5 wonderful years of wedded bliss...5 YEARS...cannot believe it has already been that long. So we took advantage of our free time and spent it trying to coax this little one into the world. We ate spicy food for lunch, spent a few hours walking around the mall and the grocery store. Our evening was filled up by grilling steaks and shrimp, watching a movie and me rocking on the exercise ball to get this baby to flip over!

So far no luck but we will be sure to keep everyone posted in one way or another. We did set an appointment for next Friday with our doctor but she said we will not make it that long. This weekend the doctor on call is the same one that delivered Coby so we are very comfortable with that and now know this little one came come out and meet us at anytime!!

We hope to have more to report very soon!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

21 DAYS!!

That's right I said 21 days! Can you believe it....nope neither can we. Today at our appointment our doctor gave the option to set up an induction date to ensure that Baby C arrives before Christmas and we opted to set it up so we know that in no more than 21 days we will be a family of 4.

Our appointment went very well. The doctor said there is plenty of fluid around baby and the heart rate is holding steady in the 150's. She also measured Baby C today and said the measurements are right between 34-35 weeks. So we go from 2 weeks ahead to almost 2 weeks behind. Why? Well there is no reason to worry Baby C is a good size, not too big not too small. Coby has no reason worry that his little brother/sister will be beating him out in the weight category and that is just fine with me!!

I know its early yet but being as impatient as I am I had to have the doctor check for any progress and she determined I am 1 1/2cm dilated, my cervix has not thinned out and the baby's head had not dropped all the way but she didn't doubt that it would be dropped by the end of the day. So that's that, we are moving in the right direction. HOW EXCITING

We have been busy little bees around here lately and I think we are finally ready for Baby C to join us! So I will leave you with a few pictures of our progress! Our next appointment is Friday the 10Th, also our anniversary.......WOW 5 years! Time flies when your having FUN :)
We have our tree up and ALL of our Christmas shopping done!

Jason finished Coby's bed and he has been sleeping in it for a few weeks now! Such a big boy!

Baby C's crib is up and waiting to be occupied, after lots and lots of laundry we are good to go!

Friday, November 12, 2010

6 weeks to go

34 week appointment today! Everything is going great. Heart rate is in the 140's and Baby C is measuring at 34 weeks, right on track.
Coby has really taken an interest in what is going on to Mommy's belly lately. He is now lifting up my shirt and pointing. We have been asking where the baby is and he points right at it! So Cute ;) I found one of my cabbage patch dolls, put some 'updated' clothes on it and let Coby have it to see how he reacted. He was VERY sweet with it; kissed the nose, rubbed the head and put his cheek next to it. We were really surprised and thought this will be pretty easy!! UNTIL he took his truck and drove it over the baby's head....OK so maybe we have a little bit of work to do but at least we have some time.

Our next appointment is November 29th, with Thanksgiving our appointment schedule is messed up but after this next appointment we will start going every week!

Friday, October 29, 2010

32 Weeks

We had our 32 week appointment today. Everything is going FABULOUS! We don't have too much to report since last time. Baby C's heartrate was at 150 today, once they found it that is....someone wouldn't sit still long enough for us to hear it very well but just long enough for them to get a quick reading. Since this little monkey is so active no one has any doubts that he/she is very healthy! Baby C is still measuring 2 weeks ahead, they say this is pretty normal and we stll have time for him/her to even things out. I keep leaning towards an early delivery but I wont hold my breath ;)

I have been feeling great, headaches are pretty much gone and I am not too tired yet. I have had swelling in my left foot and we found out today the reason is Baby C is laying with his/her back and head on left side with legs and arms on the right. With all the added pressure it is no wonder my foot is twice the size of the other one at the end of each day! If this is my only complaint from here on out I will take it!! We have our next aappointment on November 12....till then Happy Halloween and take care!

Much Love

Friday, October 15, 2010

A +

This is the grade we received today at our doctors appointment! ~YAY~ We had our last ultrasound this morning with Dr. Heddelston, our Perinatologist. He told us Baby C's stomach looks great and that we can look forward to a pretty 'boring' pregnancy from here on out. We took this as as GREAT news. We no longer have to worry about possible surgery after Baby C is born...WHEW...

On to the fun stuff. Baby C weighed in at a whoppin 3 pounds 5 ounces and is about 15 inches long. Still a little bit further along thatn 30 weeks but again this does not mean he/she will come early as we wtill have time for things to even out. Heartrate today was at 142....hmmm I seem to remember something very similar with Coby. His heartrate was constantly in the 150's until my 3rd tri-mester when it dropped to the 140's. I know only time will tell ;) We go back to see our doctor in 2 weeks!

Here are a few pictures of our little monkeys! The pics of Baby C are kind of dark, of course he/she did not want to cooperate for us today. I promise to get after him/her once he/she arrives!

Profile picture...the bubble at the top is his/her hand...almost the exact same pic as last time

Of course Baby C has to have his/her arm right in front so we cannot see his/her face

At the apple Orchard, Oct 2nd

Friday, October 1, 2010

Short and Sweet

It seems like it has been awhile since I have been on here but can you believe it 28 weeks already! We had our 28 week appointment this morning unfortuantley there is not much to report. Baby C is doing very well, heartrate is keeping steady in the 150's and he/she is growing like a weed. My doctor said I am measuring at 30 weeks right now, since I am only at 28 weeks this can mean a few things. This baby is either going to be VERY 'healthy' and could beat his/her big brothers birthweight or we may get to meet Baby C sooner than we expected!! I am not going to start taking bets yet as to when he/she will be here but I will definitley look forward to sooner than later ;)

I did a glucose test today, got to drink some yummy orange drink and have my blood drawn but it will be a wek or so before we know the results. This test is done to check for gestational diabetes.

Sorry this post is not more exciting but you will be hearing from us again in 2 short weeks! YAY, I know you are all on the edge of your seat right?!?!

In two weeks we meet with our Perinatologist to have an ultrasound done to check Baby C's stomach. We will find out if his/her stomach still looks 'generous' or not and at that time we will discuss possible surgery after Baby is born. From here on out you will be seeing updates every 2 weeks of course until we closer to the end then it be weekly. That is all i have for now, take care and we will update again soon!!

Much Love

Friday, September 3, 2010

24 Weeks!

September already?!?! I have to say that fall is probably my favorite season...well at least this year it is. This mama is definitely ready for it to be cooler outside ;)

We had our monthly appointment today and everything went really good. I was supposed to have a blood glucose test done but they decided to wait until next appointment. I am at 23 weeks and 6 days today and the test is normally done between 24-28 weeks. So they decided it was a little premature to have it day really? Hey I don't make the rules I just TRY to follow them! Anyway on to Baby C he/she is doing VERY well!! Heart rate is in the 150's and let me tell you this little monkey is very active...hmmm cannot sit still, not sure where he/she would get that from ;)

Pretty unexciting appointment, I know, but we will take it. Our next appointment with our Midwife will be October 1st and exactly two weeks after that we will have our 30 week ultrasound. At this ultrasound they will be checking Baby C's tummy to determine if it is on the generous side or not. If our perinatologist determines that it is we will talk about what our options will be after delivery, most likely surgery for the little one to repair the tube leading from the stomach to the intestine, but time will tell. Starting October 1st we will be seeing a doctor every 2 weeks until Thanksgiving when our 1 week appointments start...again SERIOUSLY this is going by too fast!

Hope everyone is doing well and we will talk to you very soon!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Half Way!

WOW!! Where has the time gone. We cannot believe we will have a new baby in 20 short weeks.

We had our monthly appointment this morning along with an anatomy scan. Right Now Baby C is 20 weeks, has a heart rate of 140 and is weighing in at 10oz. Going to be another healthy baby just like his/her big brother ;) Our little monkey was very active during the ultrasound his/her little butt was down at the time but moving all around none the less, for the most part everything looked VERY GOOD today, our Perinatologist thought Baby C's stomach looked a little generous. His explanation of why this can happen was not very clear to us but told us the cause can be Plyoric Stenosis. He said in the future it can cause eating problems for our little monkey, but not to worry this is something that can be fixed very easily with minor surgery right after birth. We scheduled another ultrasound with him for 10 weeks which will be October 15Th to take another look at Baby C's stomach. WHAT?!?! I know thank you for the clear explanation Dr.

So we went on to meet with our midwife, Lisa. Lisa shed much more light on the subject for us. First of all here is the dictionary definition, Plyoric stenosis is the narrowing of the part of the stomach that leads into the small intestine. The narrowing occurs because the muscle around the stomach has grown too large. Most babies with this begin to vomit within the 2nd to 3rd week of life. Babies begin with "spitting up" that leads into forceful vomiting, the vomiting occurs after eating. Lisa drew us a nice little diagram showing what Plyoric stenosis is and explained that the opening into the intestines is too small to pass the digested food through therefore it has to have somewhere to go so it comes back up. She also reminded us that we are only half way, this baby still has plenty of growing to do and that we should not be worried as this is not very a common thing. Next we talked about the headaches I have been having which I thought I was rid of but was I ever wrong. They went away for about a week and have now returned. She said the cause is a combination of hormones and caffeine. I have cut down on the amount I drink which is where the headaches come in the downside is they can last for awhile. She suggested I try to drink the same amount each day 1-2 cans and that may help. At the end of the appointment they measured my uterus and listened to Baby again, measurements were right at 20 weeks and again heart rate was 140. I have my next appointment in 4 weeks on Sept 3rd at this appt I get to drink the good juice and get tested for gestational diabetes.

SOOOO after ALL of that I will leave you with a few pics of our little monkeys!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Not much here

Well we don't have to much to report right now but thought we better stop and say HI! We have been doing everything we can to stay cool up here in the HEAT! We have our annual Camping trip out to Larsonfest (Jasons Aunt Barb and Uncle Gales farm) for those of you who are not familiar with the big event. We are looking forward to Pirate theme night, bean bag tournament and sitting in the pool. Next weekend we will be heading to the cities to visit family and go to another Twins game...we really hope they can pull this one out and win for us ;)

The week following we will have our next baby appointment at that time we will have an ultra sound ~YAY~ and a visit with our doctor. Since our last appointment I have started feeling much better , no more afternoon sickness, but the headaches are still bothering me. Hopefully we will get this figured out at our next appointment.

We are also impatiently awaiting the arrival of two more babies...Holli and Cody (two of our very dear friends) are soon to be parents to a baby boy and baby girl! They will be here any day and we are excited to add to "Our Crew". We know they will be outstanding parents and we are very lucky that our babies will have as wonderful of friends as we do.

We will catch you in two weeks!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Something New!

Sooooo here we go. I have heard from many many people that blogging is the way to go. We will try this and see how it goes. Instead of sending out emails for all of our baby and Coby updates you will be able to check this blog whenever is convenient for you. I know how much some of you enjoy getting emails from us due to the responses we get in return and we ask that you please keep that up as I will be using all of those respones someday in a scrapbook for these little munchkins! This may take some getting use to for all parties but eventually we will get the hang of it I am sure.